Kundalini Yoga & Meditation

Awaken your Vitality, Awaken your Soul

Awaken your inner power and vitality through the practice of kundalini yoga. This ancient yogic tradition combines dynamic postures, breathwork, mantras, and meditation to stimulate the flow of kundalini energy, the creative life force within.
Anyone who can breathe can practice this style of yoga. Soul Sound Sanctuary organises Kundalini group classes in Brussels and online.

A Comprehensive Practice

Anyone who can breathe can practice this style of yoga. Although some sessions and postures are strenuous, there is no notion of performance or level. Each Soul challenges him or herself on many levels – both physical and psychological. The practice challenges ALL of our weaknesses and insecurities so that we can face them and overcome them.

Kundalini Yoga and Meditation sessions provide regular opportunities to bring body, mind and soul into renewed connection through various tools and techniques :

  • Cleansing the mind of thought patterns that do not serve our highest purpose;
  • Meditations that clear the subconscious mind;
  • Mantras for developing intuition & guidance for the Soul;
  • Kriyas that boost the immune system, balance the 5 elements, the chakras, and 10 energy bodies;
  • Prayers and Pranayams for glandular balance.
More about Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga In Studio

Group Sessions to Restore and Renew

Monday 19:30 to 21:00

Private Studio close to Palais de Justice
The address will be provided upon registration.

Wednesday 19:00 to 20:30

81 Av Tervuren, Merode, Etterbeek

Group sessions are open to all abilities and experiences.

If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, we recommend 2 discovery classes to integrate the basic principles of posture, breath and rhythm.

First time? Register in advance by email and arrive 10 minutes early for an introduction.

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Individual Classes

If you have a specific challenge, we can propose a class tailored to your situation either in the Palais de Justice studio or at your home. We have experience doing this for individuals who are chair and bed bound or who have mobility challenges. We work with breath, sound, visualisation, movement and meditation with the intention of improving physical and mental wellbeing on the long term.

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Energy Exchange

Payment is with credits or as a drop in or discovery class. Your regular attendance at class will help you maintain a healthier, more balanced existence, however it is possible to drop in?

Drop In Studio Class : 20€

Flexible credits

Flexible credits are available for a combination of In Studio, Online kundalini classes and sound healing sessions.

20 credits 140€
10 credits 80€
Online Classes = 1 credit
In studio Classes = 2 credits
Gong Baths = 4 or 5 credits depending on Studio

Credits can be used for any combination of Studio, Online and Sound Healing or Gong Bath sessions.

If you want to attend any of the sound healing sessions then it is recommended to purchase the 20 credit subscription for better value.

Credits are valid 6 months from first use.

Students, yoga teachers in training and low income please enquire for reductions.

Discover Kundalini Yoga

If you are new to Kundalini Yoga, we recommend 2 discovery classes to integrate the basic principles of posture, breath and rhythm. Register in advance and arrive 10 minutes early for an introduction.

Discovery Studio Class x 2 : 20€
Discovery Online Class x 2 : 20€

Payable at first class.

More information

Gift Vouchers

Offer the gift of Kundalini Yoga with 2 discovery classes or a subscription that can be used for both Kundalini Yoga and Sound Healing.

More information

Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Online

Monday 19:30 to 21:00
Wednesday 19:00 to 20:30

The studio classes are streamed live online. An initial introduction is recommended to begin kundalini yoga. This can be arranged online. Access to online sessions is through the link provided in the weekly newsletter. Subscription or drop in are both possible. If you miss a class don’t worry you can request a recording. Your subscription is deducted each time you participate at class.

Subscribe to the newsletter for the updated schedule each week.

Contact me for more information

Yoga in the Park

June, July and August, weather permitting in Park Cinquantenaire, Brussels

Monday 19:00 to 21:00
Wednesday 19:00 to 20:30
Saturday ad hoc

Classes are announced through the newsletter and a WhatsApp group.

Contact me for more information

“Your classes have become an absolute necessity in my life. I sleep better, I feel better and I manage my challenges with less emotion and I really feel it when I miss class!”

— Frederic B

Practical information

About the sessions

It is recommended to attend two group lessons in order to integrate the basic principles of breath, focus and posture.
First trial class: 15 euro
Second trial class : 15 euro
2 x discovery classes within 2 weeks pre-paid: 20 euro
2 x online discovery classes plus online introduction : 20 euro

Pay per class (drop in) = 20 euro
Online drop in: 10 euro

20 credits = 140 euros

10 credits = 80 euros

Choose the 20 credit subscription if you plan to attend any of the gong baths.

In-Studio yoga sessions = 2 credits
Online classes = 1 credit
Gong sessions = 4 credits (Tervuren Studio)
Gong sessions = 5 credits (Vleurgat Studio)

Student and low income discount: please enquire.

Payments on site or by bank transfer. Information will be provided when you register.

If you have never tried Kundalini Yoga, it is a good time to start !

Please register in advance by email and arrive 10 minutes early for a short introduction.

Mats and blankets are available on site; you are welcome to bring your own.

You should participate whole heartedly (mind body and soul) in 2 discovery classes to integrate with more ease. You will be surprised how after the first class you are able to close your eyes, listen to instructions and enter into the full energy of being in a deep healing practice. A practice where you become used to recognizing your mind games and become the master of your mind.

A class is 60, 75, 90 or 120 minutes and follows the following structure:

  • Opening chant to tune in – see Mantra section
  • Breathing exercises
  • Warm-up exercises
  • Kriya : dynamic transformative yoga set
  • Relaxation
  • Meditation
  • Closure with mantra

We invite you to experience the class with bare feet. Closing your eyes during class will help you stay within and experience the class more intensely.

Use a blanket or shawl to cover you during meditation and relaxation.

Feel free to leave class without speaking to maintain the vibration and energy of the class.

Registration by email or through the booking link kindly requested in advance for all classes.

On the day registration by SMS to 0477 615 786 and await for confirmation that there is a space available.

Before You Begin:

  • Consume only a light snack and water in the 2 – 3 hours prior to practicing.
  • Turn off all cell phones and other distractions.
  • Have water in a closed-lidded container handy.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing and a natural-fiber head covering (e.g., bandana, scarf, cap).
  • Have a sheepskin or blanket (natural fiber) to sit on and a shawl or second blanket to cover yourself during relaxation and meditation.
  • If you are tight in the lower back, hips, or legs, have a pillow or cushion to elevate yourself on during meditation and seated postures.
  • Why natural fibers? Through time, yogis found it to be the best insulator to keep grounded during meditation.
  • Tune-in with the Adi Mantra: Chant Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo three times before beginning any warm-ups, kriyas, or meditation.

During Your Practice:

  • Kundalini Yoga is the yoga of awareness. Listen to your body; do what works for you.
  • Challenge yourself to extend just past whatever you think your limits are. For instance, if you think you can only do one minute of an exercise, then try for one minute and ten seconds.
  • Follow the directions! Keep the order and type of posture. Do not exceed the stated times. If you wish to shorten an exercise, shorten all exercises in the kriya proportionally (i.e., cut all times in half or quarter).
  • In a class, feel free to ask for clarification on an exercise or other aspects of the practice.
  • Drink water as needed between exercises.
  • Remember the Moon! During the heaviest part (one to three days) of a woman’s monthly menstruation, avoid strenuous yoga. In particular, do not do: Bow Pose, Breath of Fire, Stretch Pose, Camel Pose, Locust Pose, Root Lock, Sat Kriya, inversions (e.g., Shoulder Stand), or strenuous leg lifts. Instead, visualize yourself doing the posture or ask the teacher for a modification.

After Your Practice:

  • Drink lots of water. Pay attention to your physical, emotional, and mental self.
  • Incorporate what you experienced in class into the rest of your life, particularly the “simple” things like long, deep breathing and a graceful, royal posture.

From The KRI Aquarian Teacher Training manual

  • Wear or bring comfortable loose fitting clothes to change into; layers that can be removed and put back according to needs;
  • Practice is bare foot but bring socks to put on during relaxation;
  • Yoga mat and blanket can be borrowed on-site if you don’t have or it is not practical to carry them;
  • Monday evening classe – bring your own blanket or shawl;
  • Water to drink
  • An open mind and heart !

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is a powerful yogic tradition that is thousands of years old yet suited for today’s world, it’s challenges and it’s victories. It combines asana (postures) with praanayam (breath) and mantra (sacred sound). The word yoga means “to yoke, to unite.” Kundalini yoga balances the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system, and brings the mind, body and spirit into balance. Kundalini Yoga is also called the Yoga of Awareness. With regular practice, you become more aware of and live more from your authentic self.

For centuries, Kundalini Yoga was carefully handed down by oral tradition from master to disciple and was always kept secret. It was never taught openly until 1969 when Yogi Bhajan challenged this secrecy and brought it to the West and began teaching publicly. Soul Sound Yoga is connected with the Belgian and international Kundalini Yoga community and the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI) to serve and share the legacy of Kundalini Yoga. Soul Sound Yoga is dedicated to delivering the Teachings in their pure form, with the integrity befitting sacred Teachings.

Who Can Practice?

Anyone who can breathe can practice this style of yoga. While some sessions and postures are strenuous, there is no focus on performance or level. Each individual challenges themselves on multiple levels—both physical and psychological. The practice addresses all weaknesses and insecurities, allowing practitioners to face and overcome them.

Soul Sound Yoga welcomes both men and women, of all ages and health conditions. Many students are healthy or seeking to improve their mental and physical health. Some are facing significant life challenges, both physically and mentally, and others have recognized the need for major changes in their lifestyle, careers or relationships.

The History of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that dates back thousands of years. Rooted in the Indian spiritual traditions, it was originally passed down orally from master to disciple in a sacred and secretive manner. The word « kundalini » refers to the primal energy believed to reside at the base of the spine, which can be awakened and channelled through the chakras to achieve heightened spiritual awareness.

For centuries, the teachings of Kundalini Yoga remained hidden, shared only among select initiates. This secrecy was maintained to ensure that the powerful practices were used responsibly and with proper guidance. It wasn’t until 1969 that Yogi Bhajan, a master of Kundalini Yoga, broke this tradition of secrecy. He brought the practice to the West, believing that the world was ready for these transformative teachings.

Yogi Bhajan began openly teaching Kundalini Yoga in the United States, emphasizing its benefits for modern life. He established the 3HO Foundation (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) to promote the practice and ensure that the teachings were preserved in their pure form. Today, Kundalini Yoga is practiced worldwide, known for its comprehensive approach that combines physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), chanting (mantras), and meditation to balance the mind, body, and spirit.

Through the ongoing efforts of the Kundalini Yoga community, these ancient teachings continue to help individuals awaken their inner potential and achieve a higher state of consciousness.

"The primary objective of Kundalini is to awaken the full potential of human awareness in each individual; that is, recognize our awareness, refine that awareness, and expand that awareness to our unlimited Self. Clear any inner duality, create the power to deeply listen, cultivate inner stillness, and prosper and deliver excellence in all that we do."

— Kundalini Research Institute (KRI)

My Internal Sanctuary: A Journey Within

Your internal sanctuary is a realm beyond the noise of the external world, a place where you can shed the layers of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt. It is a space that is entirely yours, untouched by the opinions or expectations of others. Here, you can be truly authentic, embracing your vulnerabilities, dreams, and aspirations without fear of judgement.